The Snyder Baseball School is a provider of baseball and softball instruction and related services in the Washington D.C. area. Snyder Baseball provides an experienced staff, quality instructional programs with low coach to student ratios, and the comfort in knowing that Snyder Baseball is part of the local community. Snyder Baseball is dedicated to the development and implementation of instructional programs that provide a positive learning environment that will build confidence, self esteem, and insure a more pleasurable baseball experience.
Snyder Baseball is unique in that it offers instructional programs for all areas of the game, age groups, and skill levels. Players and coaches alike benefit from comprehensive programs, which insures the proper development throughout the local leagues. The goal at Snyder Baseball is to escort the players and coaches through the learning process and provide the necessary resources to insure that potential is maximized and individual goals are reached. Snyder Baseball would like to be recognized as a responsible and integral part of the community whose wellbeing is in the public interest, whose staff and instructors are respected for their performance and honesty, and regarded as a positive influence for the local youth.
The journey that has brought us the Snyder Baseball Academy started when I retired from professional baseball in 1990, after 12 years. One of the most important lessons I learned when I began working with youth players, especially pitchers, was that, although I possessed a wealth of knowledge about the game, I really didn’t understand the development process of the youth player and how to apply all the years of experience. It takes time. I needed to watch my own three sons, Brandon, Mike and Matt, go through the process, which has now taken them all to the professional level. Over the course of the past 30+ years of instruction and coaching, with the help of many other great coaches and former players, we have developed a much better understanding of that process. Our programs offer individualized instruction, small instructor to student ratios, a continuing focus on fundamentals, and the most experienced instructional staff in the metropolitan area.
Let's Play Ball!