Bucks will be holding tryouts for the 2024 season for ages 8U-18U
Where and what time are tryouts?
All tryouts will be held at Patriot High School and will start at 6:00pm. Players will enter at the side gate to the softball field (by right field on the softball field). (location update for July 10 - 15U-18U at Uncle Charlie's - UC)
Do I register for tryouts?
All players must register prior to tryouts. Click on the link below or there is a link on the specific team page. Please register for the appropriate tryout day/group based on your players age for the upcoming season. If you are a current SBA customer and/or Bucks player, please try to use the same email address associated with your account. If you are registering more than one player, please complete a separate online form for each.
What is my player's league age?
Please use the chart or age calculator to determine your player's age division to register for:
8u: May 1, 2016 - May 1, 2017
9u: May 1, 2015 - May 1, 2016
10u: May 1, 2014 - May 1, 2015
11u: May 1, 2013 - May 1, 2014
12u: May 1, 2012 - May 1, 2013
13u: May 1, 2011 - May 1, 2012
14u: May 1, 2010 - May 1, 2011
Players that will graduate in the 2025-2028 school years should be registering for our showcase program (15U-18U).
How many tryouts do they attend?
Each player will only need to attend one tryout. The make-up tryout is for those players unable to attend the primary tryout date or weather cancellations.
What time should I arrive?
Please arrive to the tryouts 10-15 minutes early for check-in.
What should my player bring to tryouts?
All players should attend tryouts in baseball attire, have their gear and a water bottle.
Are parents allowed to attend tryouts?
Parents and spectators are allowed to attend the tryouts but must stay on/in the bleachers area. No parents are allowed on the fields, fence line, dugouts, batting cages, etc.
To provide a year round comprehensive program dedicated to the advancement of the serious player. The program offers an environment in which to develop the skills needed to play at the high school and college level. While the goal is to be competitive, SBA is committed to training and player development. Our staff of instructors is directly involved in the program. The emphasis of this program is to educate the whole person, not only in individual skill sets, but athletic values, importance of academics, nutrition, and team / leadership skills. Clearly provided rules for the codes of conduct for players and parents will be strictly enforced.

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